Millie and Her Magic Puppet Show by Darren Mort and Megan Forward
Tom Mortimer: Pitt Street Bankers by Gary Davis
Putin's Playbook: The Latest Intelligence Insights from the Battlefronts by Rebekah Koffler
Divorce The Court by Caroline Counsel
Your Best Gut by Dr Paul Froomes
The Many Lives of Barry Humphries by Rowan Dean
Rich Habits Poor Habits by Tom Corley and Michael Yardney
Rock n' Roll Gallery by Tony Mott
Zelensky: The Frontline President by Andrew L Urban and Chris McLeod
tory Sparks is first of its kind, interactive flip book to spark your creative bedtime storytelling. With over 1,000 plot combinations, each page offers you Characters, Locations and Scenarios, accompanied by a detailed artwork to inspire your imagination.
From stories about pirates at a playground who throws a party, to a talking fire truck in outer space who gets lost, the prompts will provide plenty of fun and entertaining bedtime stories every night.