Michelle Lee
Michelle Lee encompasses the spirit of adventure and values her freedom—above all else. Twelve years in corporate banking and an end to a long-term relationship were the impetus to Michelle giving up her career, along with society’s expectations, and turn to a life of adventure. Trekking the 100km Kokoda trail in 2012 sparked Michelle’s love for extreme adventures requiring uttermost physical fitness, mental resilience, and self-discipline. Michelle holds the world record for the fastest woman to row one million metres on a Concept 2 rowing machine and is Australia’s first woman to row any ocean solo. She was awarded The Australian Geographic’s Adventurer of the year in 2019 for her 68-day solo, unassisted row across the Atlantic Ocean, and is regularly invited to share her story to inspire others to challenge their purpose and untapped potential. Michelle continues to push her boundaries, setting ever greater new challenges to satisfy her curiosity to her full potential.